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The study of Black representation in comic book movies involving the variables representation, Black identity, and identification has never been done before. Black representation in comic book movies is a significant topic of study due to the prevalence of comic book movies in popular culture, because of the increasingly diverse casts of such films, and the impacts representation can have psychologically, socially, and historically. The researcher hypothesized that Xavier University of Louisiana students would identify more with comic book movie characters of the same race, and that stronger Black identity would be related to higher dissatisfaction with current Black representation in comic book movies. Representation was measured using the Bechdel-Wallace and DuVernay Tests, Black identity was measured with an abbreviated Multidimensional Inventory of Black Identity, and identification was measured with Cohen’s identification survey in relation to the Marvel Cinematic Universe characters Black Panther, Okoye, Iron Man, and Black Widow. The researcher found that race was relatively insignificant when examining identification scores, and that Black identity and representation were not significantly correlated. The results suggest that gender may have had a more defining role in participants’ level of identification with comic book movie characters, and that Black comic book movie characters fail to fully represent Black people, particularly Black females.
