
What is GIS?


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A tutorial for going from raw data to basic GIS visualization using Tableau Public and coronavirus confirmed case data.


You will need to make an account at public.tableau.com and download the Tableau Public application!


1) What criticism does the instructor have about the Johns Hopkins coronavirus visualization?

  1. The colors aren’t consistent with best practices
  2. The site responds slowly
  3. The data aggregation methods are inconsistent across tables
  4. Not enough data is provided

2) Why is it important to quickly examine your data source when you are going to plot it out anyway?

  1. It’s not – you can plot right away!
  2. A quick scan may reveal glaring differences from what you are expecting, that may be difficult to see once visualized
  3. You need to thoroughly examine the data table before you can visualize
  4. There are ethical concerns in plotting quickly

3) Why do we need to check to make sure that Tableau is aggregating our data correctly in this dataset?

  1. Adding all the rows results in way more cases at later dates, as each cell already contains the current case total
  2. We don’t want to report inaccurate data
  3. This is part of “checking our output” that we must always do
  4. All of the above

4) Why can’t we include the aggregated continent data alongside our country data?

  1. They don’t have the same data source
  2. It would result in double counting, as we already plotted the cases by country
  3. Tableau does not have the features to do this

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