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Publication Date

Winter 2-2-2017


Influenced by studies in traditional Ashkenazi and Sephardi scripts. The typeface had been designed for the printing of the Koren Tanakh, a first edition printed Jewish Bible processed through an all-Jewish collaboration for the first time in centuries. Koren’s project was inspired by the revival of Hebrew initiated by Haskalah writers in the 18th century. Haskalah writers utilized the language and scripts of written and printed literary texts. Influenced by philosophical and political ideologies of the European Enlightenment, the Haskalah explored Jewish identity through language by defining the secular context through traditional Jewish symbolism and narratives. The Zionist movement of the next generation expanded upon the Haskalah’s principles by encouraging the revival of Hebrew in oral and printed communication as a way to define Jewish identity and nationalism. This article reviews the progression in Hebrew typography design through Zionist efforts in the Hebrew language resurgence of the 20th century, especially during the founding years of the Jewish state of Israel.
