
Peculiarities of the 35C1 and 79Br NQR Spectra of Chalcogenhalide Complexes of Some Transition Metals.

Funding Source

Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine


Department of Chemistry

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The peculiarities of the 35C1, 79Br NQR spectra of the chalcogenhalide complexes are explained in terms of intraspheric effect of ligands, formation of secondary intra- and intermolecular bonds, and electronic structure of metal atom. In the 35C1 spectra of [TeCl3]2[OsCl6] 1, [SeCl3]2[OsCl6]2 and [reCl3]2[ReCl6]3 the 7-10% increase in frequency in the low-frequency multiplet are accounted for by the disturbance of the pHal-dM π-interaction due to the formation of the peripheral coordination polyhedra [SeCl6] and [TeCl6]. The peculiarities of the 35C1 and 79Br spectra of [MoS2Cl3(SeCl2)]24, [MoS2Br3(SeCl2)]25, [WS2Cl3(SeCl2)]26 and [WS2Br3(SeBr2)]27 are attributed to the disturbance of the pHal-dM π-interaction under the influence of the coordination of the SeCl2 and SeBr2 ligands and formation of secondary intramolecular bonds. For [RhCl3(SeCl2)2]28, [IrCl3(SeCl2)2]29 and [SCl3][IrCl4(SCl2)2]10, the appearance of frequencies at 25 MHz in low-frequency triplets is attributed to the intraspheric effect of weak donors-neutral SC12 and SeCl2 molecules; the frequencies at 18 MHz are assigned to bridging chlorine atoms. This assignment was confirmed by the dimeric structure, which was established by an X-ray structure analysis.


DOI: 10.1515/zna-1997-6-709

Funding text

This work was financed by the State Basic Research Foundation under the Ministry of Science and Technologies of Ukraine.
