"Student Mobility in a Choice School District and it's Impact on School" by Trisean F. Wilson

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)


Division of Education and Counseling

First Advisor

Romona Jean-Perkins, Ph.D.

Second Advisor

Timothy Glaude, Ph.D.

Third Advisor

M. Carol Allen, Ph.D.


student mobility, school performance


Since World War II, student mobility and its relationship to student academic performance on mandated standardized tests have been researched with varied findings. Student mobility contributes to student disengagement and the postponement of instruction of mobile and nonmobile students (Smith, Fine, & Paine, 2008). Though mobility is not the sole cause of poor student performance, its indirect impact influences a school’s progress towards Adequate Yearly Progress. This quantitative study examines the correlation between student mobility and the school performance rating in an all-choice school district. State Department of Education data was used to determine school-based student mobility in the all-choice school district. This study intends to fill a gap in the literature by analyzing student mobility in an all-choice-school district, and the impact that student mobility has on schools’ progress towards Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP). Supportive measures are needed to meet the needs of highly mobile students, which is critical to students and school districts' academic achievement, because student mobility affects each school’s progress differently.

Available for download on Monday, October 26, 2026
