Grant Area
Interdisciplinary Course Development
Publication Date
Summer 5-26-2017
Xavier Faculty Panels
1. Freshman Seminar: Dr. Sheryl Kennedy-Haydel (Assistant Professor of Mass Communication), Dr. James Dunson (Associate Professor of Philosophy), Dr. Mark Gstohl (Associate Professor of Theology) and Dr. Richard Peters (Assistant Professor of Business and Director of the Core Curriculum);
2. Team Teaching: Dr. Michael Homan (Professor of Theology), Dr. Elizabeth Manley (Associate Professor of History) and Dr. Mark Gstohl (Associate Professor of Theology)
Recommended Citation
Kennedy-Haydel, Dr Sheryl; Dunson, Dr. James; Peters, Dr Richard; Homan, Dr Michael; Manley, Dr Elizabeth; and Gstohl, Dr. Mark, "Interdisciplinary Approaches Summer Seminar Day 5" (2017). CCE Event Videos. 40.
Recording Time:
Part 1: 16 Minutes
Part 2: 24 minutes,15 seconds