Date of Award
Document Type
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 International License.
Degree Name
Doctor of Education (EdD)
Division of Education and Counseling
First Advisor
Bethel Cager
Second Advisor
Stephanie Grant
Third Advisor
Renee Akbar
Counselor self-efficacy, mental health provider, suspension, expulsion
The purpose of the quantitative study was to investigate the self-efficacy of mental health providers within a specific school district in Southern Louisiana. The study examined the mental health providers’ self-efficacy in engaging in various counseling behaviors and addressing counseling-related challenges. The research aimed to understand how mental health providers’ self-efficacy correlated with suspension and expulsion rates among Black students across elementary, middle, and high schools in the region. Additionally, it investigated the potential difference in self-efficacy between providers servicing elementary, middle, and high school settings. By utilizing the Counselor Activity Self-Efficacy Scale (CASES) and demographic information capturing variables such as years of experience, counseling modalities utilized, and licensure type, the study identified patterns in self-efficacy levels. The findings have significant implications for enhancing the development and deployment of pre-intervention strategies with the school-based multi-tiered system of support (MTSS). Moreover, the findings shed light on how varying levels of mental health provider self-efficacy may have influenced the suspension and expulsion rates of Black students when alternative interventions to the suspension were employed.
Recommended Citation
Harrison, Ashlyn Rae, "A Quantitative Analysis: How Mental Health Providers Self-Efficacy Relates to Black Student Discipline Rates" (2024). Electronic Thesis and Dissertation. 176.